
Investing doesn’t have to be a cause of concern. However, you should stay alert and vigilant at all times to protect yourself from being a target of scams as such cases are on the rise in Malaysia.

Tips for investing with Public Mutual:


  • Invest directly via Public Mutual Online (PMO).

  • Write a cheque made payable to “Public Mutual Berhad – NRIC No. of First Holder”.

  • Write down your name, NRIC/passport number/company registration number and telephone number at the back of the cheque.


  • Do not pay cash to a unit trust consultant (UTC), staff of Public Mutual, or any individuals.

  • Do not issue cheques in the name of our UTC or staff, or make a deposit or transfer to the bank account of our UTC or staff.

  • Do not pre-sign or pre-thumbprint any transaction forms for any individuals.